1 Shore Place, 25-31 Shore Street West, Cleveland QLD 4163
You work with us to collate the information to prepare your return.
We will send you an FBT questionnaire, which you fill in and return to us. Based on the information you provide in the questionnaire we will prepare the calculations and returns for you. Once you approve the return, we will lodge it on your behalf.
Options BelowWe will review your records and prepare your return.
We will review your financial records and identify potential transactions subject to FBT. We will then review these transactions and other matters with you to ensure that you are complying with your obligations. We will then prepare the calculations and returns for you. Once you approve the return, we will lodge it on your behalf.
Options Below* Engagement performed in terms of our standard terms and conditions. Estimated fee is our estimated maximum fee for small businesses with less than 8 employees.
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